The Bakery Row Vision Plan is continuing to make strides to become reality. The past two years have been spent identifying specific development projects in Shadyside and East Liberty that would improve the communities. The planning has been taking place by East Liberty Development, Inc. and Shadyside Action Coalition. They have been collaborating with East Liberty Chamber of Commerce, Franklin West, South Point Breeze Neighborhood Association and Village of Shadyside and others.
Six redevelopment opportunities have come to life from two years of planning and community meetings. These ideas cover a variety of urban issues that East End stakeholders have identified as important. The Bakery Row vision plan is available for downloading on this website and residents want to see developed in the East End.
The planning part of Bakery Row is entering its final stage of being formally submitted to the department of planning. By formally submitting this plan, the city will be made aware of what kind of vision the East End citizens have for their community. This can then be communicated to potential future developers who show interest in developing the East End.