Applications are available now for the second class of the Civic Leadership Academy! The academy is a free 10-week course designed to educate residents about local government in the City of Pittsburgh.
The courses begin March 15 and end May 17, and feature weekly sessions focusing on different City departments and the services they provide for a safer, more liveable City. Session topics include: city organization and vision, budgeting processes, city planning and economic development, public works and parks services, the protection of water and rivers, public safety efforts and more. In addition to weekly sessions, students are expected to participate in a group, participant-led service project at the conclusion of the course.
Applicants much be at least 18 years old and live within Pittsburgh City limits and/or be a business owner who operates a business within Pittsburgh City limits. Applications are due by 5 p.m., Feb. 8. For more information, or to apply for the Spring 2011 Civic Leadership Academy, click here!