ELDI’s very own Ted Melnyk and the Kelly Strayhorn Theater‘s Janera Solomon were featured in this month’s issue of the Heinz Endowments Magazine.

Ted speaks about what it means to create relationships that cut across socio-economic lines and our work to create an authentic and uplifting community through the Circles program.

“I guess at the end of the day I believe ‘we’ is built on relationships. That might be in the faith community, the school community or the neighborhood. We certainly like to think that our work with East Liberty Development Inc.’s Circles program is part of that equation as well. We do ‘we.'”

Read the full piece on page 12: http://www.heinz.org/User…/Library/2017_Issue_2-complete.pdf


Janera talks about her vital work of bringing diverse people together through the arts at KST.

“In the East Liberty neighborhood, what Kelly-Strayhorn Theater has been working for is creating a sense of community, inspiring people to not just pass by each other and tolerate each other, but to become genuinely interested and connected.”

Read the full piece on page 21: http://www.heinz.org/User…/Library/2017_Issue_2-complete.pdf