a group dedicated to affordable housing in the East End

The Village Collaborative of East Liberty (VC), a community group created by the HELP Initiative, is currently working with the URA on drafting an upcoming RFP for the Beatty Street development. Shortly, the RFP will be released and VC members, in conjunction with the URA, will invite stakeholders and community members in creating a steering committee. This committee will review submissions to the RFP and assist in choosing a successful bidder.

Thereafter, they will kick off a series of community meetings to talk through this project and other strategic investments in East Liberty.

Additionally, VC members recently voted to create an advisory committee as an adjunct to the primary membership. The advisory committee will be composed of residents, stakeholders, business owners, and others. They are looking to diversify the opinions and viewpoints that currently shape decision-making in the East End.

Stay tuned for more updates as May and June will be very active months for the VC members.