Meet 70+ employers (banks, training programs, retail, healthcare, social services, food service, labor jobs, and more) with immediate openings at the East End Works Collaborative Job Fair!
The Job Fair will take place Wednesday, May 8 from 4:00-8:00 p.m. at Eastminster Presbyterian Church (250 N. Highland Ave). There will be early access for veterans, foster care youth, and people with criminal background questions from 3:00-4:00 p.m.
The East End Works Collaborative Job Fair is co-hosted by the Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center, Lawrenceville United, Neighborhood Learning Alliance, East Liberty Development, Inc., and BGC PittsburghCONNECTS. It is supported by BNY Mellon, PNC Bank, Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, Poise Foundation, and the City of Pittsburgh.
For resume help, visit the Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center (5321 Penn Ave), call 412-362-8580, or visit