ELDI Hays Street Residential Development RFP

Hays Street Residential Development: Request for Proposals

East Liberty Development, Inc. is seeking development proposals for high-quality owner-occupied residential development on vacant land in East Liberty. In keeping with East Liberty’s 2010 Master Plan, which calls for the continuation of a comprehensive housing strategy that reweaves the neighborhood fabric and provides housing alternatives that fit the needs of a diverse population, the goal of this RFP is to solicit proposals for a market-rate owner-occupied product that enhances and complements East Liberty’s housing market.

Issuing Organization:
East Liberty Development, Inc. was founded in 1979 to facilitate redevelopment efforts in the neighborhood and begin the process of reversing the effects of urban renewal. ELDI works in collaboration with neighborhood stakeholders in the areas of Planning, Advocacy, Facilitation and Investment. ELDI has successfully contributed to revitalization efforts in East Liberty such as: East Liberty’s 1999 and 2010 Master Plans, Eastside Commercial Developments and hundreds of affordable and market-rate residential units.

Proposal Submission and Deadline:
Proposals are due to ELDI by February 28, 2015. A developer and/or development team may submit multiple proposals. ELDI may decide to extend the deadline or accept proposals on a rolling basis. One copy should be e-mailed to peter.brewton@eastliberty.org. Three hard copies should be mailed to 100 Sheridan Square, Fourth Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15206.

Proposal Selection:
ELDI may decide to select one or more proposals or it may not select any proposals. If selected, developer(s) will work with ELDI staff to present a finalized proposal to ELDI’s committees and board of directors for final selection and approval. All agreements and/or contracts are contingent on approval by resolution of ELDI’s board of directors.

All inquiries concerning this RFP should be directed to Peter Brewton, Land Recycling Coordinator at 412-361-8061 x 30 or via email (preferred) at peter.brewton@eastliberty.org.

For More Information:
View the full proposal in the pdf below.