America has a new epidemic, but you can take steps to protect yourself and your family. 90 of every 1,000 Pennsylvanians will be diagnosed with Diabetes this year and African-Americans have the highest Diabetes-related death rates in the state, according to a study completed by the State Department of Health.

This frightening trend can be attributed to the increasing rates of people who are overweight or clinically obese. Diabetes can be prevented or managed with a healthy diet, exercise and blood-sugar monitoring.
The Pittsburgh Post Gazette is offering an article series with stories of Allegheny Country residents living with Diabetes, health and prevention tips, statistics and more valuable information.

The Center for Minority Health at the University of Pittsburgh has also taken positive steps to address this problem as part of their Healthy Black Families program.
This program was first announced in October of 2005 at the Kingsley Center.

Use these resources to keep your family informed, active and healthy.