Hope everyone is having a great Holiday season and look forward to a wonderful New Years! We are in the home stretch of the Community Planning meetings. There are a few Task Forces that felt it is necessary to hold second Action Plan meetings after the holidays rush was over. These meetings will be the last organized discussions before the Task Forces present their findings at a large community meeting. Please do your best to attend these last meetings!!!
Youth Engagement Meeting – Monday, January 7, 6 to 8 pm
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Rm 244
Parks and Recreation Meeting – Tuesday, January 8, 6 to 8 pm
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Rm 234
Workforce Meeting – Thursday, January 10, 6 to 8 pm
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Rm 244
Safe Neighborhoods Meeting – Tuesday, Jan 15, 6 to 8 pm
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Rm 244
Commercial Core Planning Meeting – Tuesday, Jan 15, 6 to 8 pm
East Liberty Presbyterian Church, McKevley Rm
LARGE COMMUNITY MEETING TO PRESENT THE TASK FORCE FINDINGS – Thursday, January 24 at 6 pm in the Social Hall of East Liberty Presbyterian Church!