With so much business and development coming to the area, it is important that East Liberty residents benefit from the neighborhood’s improvements. The Coalition of Organized Residents of East Liberty, Inc. (COR) and East Liberty Development, Inc. (ELDI) are working together to link low-income, local residents with the economic opportunities that are being generated as a result of East Liberty’s revitalization. The result of this cooperation is the realization of a long-time dream of COR, which is the creation of a community-based Section 3 job training and referral initiative.
This initiative will provide a community-based hiring pool to ensure new businesses hire within the neighborhood, as well as job coaching and service coordination to potential employees.
Kevin Mickens was hired by COR and ELDI as the Section 3 Coordinator to facilitate this connection between East Liberty residents and local employment opportunities. Before beginning his work with COR and ELDI, Kevin was an employment consultant with Education Data Systems Inc. (EDSI). From his work with EDSI and Garfield Jubilee, he has a great deal of experience designing and coordinating employment and job readiness training programs. Kevin’s constant smile represents his positive, approachable nature.
If residents have any question or are interested in filling out an application, Kevin can be reached by calling 412.361.8061 ext. 27.