Every day in East Liberty, there are 600 vacant parking spaces (we counted). Fewer and fewer are free and not reserved. As it becomes more popular and amenity-rich, competition for these spaces will grow. There are still many opportunities to lease within the commercial core, which is 7 blocks by 5 blocks. Beyond that boundary is near-infinity free parking, roughly 5-7 blocks from Penn/Highland. East Liberty’s lease rates are generally 1/3 of those Downtown.
As East Liberty’s resurgence continues, more and more visitors and employees will vie for fewer and fewer parking spaces. ELDI is currently working with multiple partners to create a parking strategy for our neighborhood.
Here’s a current map of parking availability, as of March 2012. For any parking questions, please contact Maggie Graham [margaret.graham (at symbol) eastliberty dot org] or Nate Wildfire [nathan.wildfire (at symbol) east liberty dot org]. The map may be difficult to read on your browser, so we’ve attached a PDF as well.