In 2019, the long-neglected “Detective Building” in East Liberty (named for its former tenants, the City of Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Investigations) underwent an impressive renovation. The mid-century modern building received a meticulous overhaul that made use of existing materials, brought in plenty of natural light, and paid homage to the original design aesthetic.

The space was initially designed for the homeware company Schoolhouse Electric, but the pandemic forced the company to shift their focus to online sales, and they made the difficult decision to close their brick and mortar stores.

Today, the Detective Building is home to Redstart Roasters on the first floor, while Pingree Northwest and JP Properties are giving the rest of the space a new lease on life. They are currently looking for tenants — offering over 32,000 square feet of flexible workspaces as well as retail space.

For more information, check out their flyers: Workspace | Retail + warehouse space

Those interested can reach out to Andrea L. Plotkin at