In June, we let you know that the rates for parking ha been cut to $.50/hour in two East Liberty parking lots as part of a pilot program with the Pittsburgh Parking Authority (see that post here). Despite an increase in parking usage and revenue, the Parking Authority has decided to end the program and return rates to $1/hour in the Sheridan-Harvard and Sheridan-Kirkwood lots. We would love to see the pilot project extended or made permanent, and have sent the PPA a letter to that effect.

If you benefitted from this change in parking rates and would like to see them reinstated, we urge you to contact the PPA and let them know. Give them a call at 412-560-2534.

You can also advocate to members of City Council. These lots are in Councilman Ricky Burgess’ district. You can contact him by filling out this form on the Council District 9 website.

Contact PPA and Council today to advocate for the reinstatement of the lower rate. 

CORRECTION: We earlier listed Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak as the council representative to the PPA. She was, but is no longer.