An 11-year endeavor to construct a war veteran support center in East Liberty is nearly realized, but the project is currently on hold to raise the last $200,000 necessary for construction. The center will offer a place for marital and substance abuse counsel to veterans, as well as teach computer literacy and repair skills. The building will also provide refuge for vets, with a lounge with a television and pool table.

Sid Singer and Jack Kudrav are working hard to help the forgotten soldiers who have served our country. Singer, 83, Veterans Place President, and Kudrav, 49, Veteran Place residential manager, have dedicated a good portion of their lives to providing housing and support for veterans, in particular those returning for Iraq and Afghanistan. The two men are proudly, but anxiously awaiting the opening of their $1 million veteran service center.

Jack Kudrav pointed out in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article that Iraq veterans have an unemployment rate four times the national average. He also notes that we should remember from the Vietnam and first Gulf War that returning from combat a very difficult transition and the problems of returning veterans should not be neglected or ignored.

Read more about the project, Sid Singer and Jack Kudrav in the tribune article.
For more information about Veterans Place or to show your support, visit their website or call 412.856.7772.