The construction of the Target East Liberty store is about 65% complete.   Construction is scheduled for completion in June 2011, with the Target Store scheduled to open July 24, 2011.  This Target store, a landmark commercial development project is a one of a few two-story Targets, where the parking is underneath – a very urban condition – that allows for zero set back from the street.   The completion of  143,000 square feet structure will also bring 200 permanent JOBS to East Liberty.









Future updates will highlight the many neighborhood agencies, residents and entities whom have provided tons of support to coordinate efforts to prepare residents to obtain these incoming employment opportunities.  The following pictures are included to highlight both the interior and exterior progress that is being made.


























Target has over 1,700 stores and 37 distribution centers in 49 states.

Stay tuned for hiring information for the East Liberty store.

To learn about specific career opportunities, please visit For specific information about this project contact ELDI at 412.361.8061 or